“Mayumi Enoki - Bound"
4 January-19 March 2023
Fuji Paper Art Museum, Shizuoka, Japan
The Exhibition Link

榎真弓展 —Bound-
榎は、日々の営みに潜む現象を 「unpredictability予測不可能性」あるいは 「randomness無作為性」という視点で捉え、偶然がもたらす素材の可能性を探りながら作品化を試みています。
ここしばらくの間、榎は多数の紙を用いながら日々の 「 ドローイング」を続けてきました。 そこには手法や素材へのアプローチ−偶然にできた色や形を紙に残す−が積み重なった、制作時の実験のプロセスが現れています。 それらはそのまま彼女の手元に置かれ、数ヶ月、数年の時を経ているものもあります。 今回の展覧会において榎は、自身のクロニクルの束ともいえる紙をあらためて再考察し、近年取り組んでいるテーマ 'Binding'を展開した作品'Bound'として展示します。
紙は、榎にとって、作品を成立させる手がかりであり、同時に世界を知る思考の結び目です。「ふじ・紙のアートミュージアム」のシースルー なスペースで、周囲の風景を取り込み、様々な出会いを交差させながら、作品がどのように見えるか、についても榎は関心を寄せています。 紙というあるひとつの事象が私たちにとって素睛らしい契機となることを願っています。
Mayumi Enoki -Bound-
In her work, Enoki attempts to capture phenomena hidden in everyday life from the perspective of 'unpredictability' or 'randomness'. She has been exploring the potential of materials brought about by chance and, in doing so, creates works of art.
Enoki has been working on daily 'drawings' on various types of paper for some time. Enoki creates random colours and shapes that vary with the paper's texture - a process of experimentation at the time of production which challenges her methods and use of materials. Some of these experimental drawings she has kept for months or even years. Recently, Enoki has been working on the theme of 'Binding'. For this exhibition, Enoki re-examines a bundle of paper which represents a chronicle of her thoughts and feelings. She will exhibit these papers tied together into ‘Bound' pieces, thus developing the theme.
For Enoki, paper is one of the starting points for creating her work. Paper acts as a nexus bringing together her thoughts, ideas and understanding of the world. She is also interested in how the artwork will look in the glass space of the Fuji Paper Art Museum, where it will intersect and interact with views of the surrounding urban scenery, bringing various encounters together. We hope that this paper exploration will be a fantastic opportunity for us all.